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Re: [RC] camper furnace - Sisu West Ranch

"... Wonder why everyone else has such issues with their battery running down over night with a heater..."
I can think of a number of reasons:
1. Wrong kind of battery.  When I purchased my LQ the previous owner had a small, LSI (lighting, starting and ignition or in other words an ordinary car battery) installed.  Just not the right kind.
2. Ignoring or trickle charging when not on the road.  Either one will trash a battery in short order.  It then stores much less electricity. (the Brits call what we call a storage battery an "accumulator" either way it means that it just is a reservoir for electricity)
3. Not enough batteries for the intended use.  I use 3 deep cycle (otherwise called trolling motor) batteries.
4. The camper or trailer is not hooked up properly so the truck can charge the battery.  Electricity is a deep mystery to many car mechanics and even RV shops.
5. Not carefully limiting the use of electricity for other things.  Some folk accidentally leave the fridge on 12 V and wonder why the battery goes dead.  Most folk do not spend the money to replace the incandescent interior lights with fluorescent and/or LED. 
    I have had this problem with my youngest son.  He would go into the camper and turn on all the lights, draw for an hour, and then leave to play or ride.  The lights would be left on.  By the way, he did not reform until his second year away from home.  He rented a house with 4 other artists from the Joe Kubert School, since watching pennies was now important, he became the light policeman.  Payback is sweet!
6. Being penny wise and pound foolish.  I can't afford to change the lights and buy the right batteries and battery maintainer so I will spend $500 to $1000 for a noisy generator. 
As I said in previous posts, my LQ can run for 3 nights, and 4 days using the furnace to warm in the evening and morning without recharging the batteries.  Since I religiously use a "battery minder (tm)" battery maintainer when trailer is stored, my batteries are lasting much longer.  I used to get 3 years on a set (about what literature predicts) now I am on year 5 or 6.  It will be interesting to see when they die.  By the way, the fans drive me crazy when I sleep, so I normally turn the furnace off after we crawl into the sleeping bags which are under a down comforter.  I can count on Wendy kicking me to turn the furnace on when it is time to get up.
Ed & Wendy Hauser
2994 Mittower Road
Victor, MT 59875
(406) 642-9640

[RC] camper furnace, Tx Trigger