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[RC] Horse size....what gives?!?! - Natalie Herman

Ok, I just want to know from you all...what IS it about the trend lately, to need HUGE horses and regect the little ones...esp when it comes to Arabs (who are supposed to have been 14.1-15.1 origionally, but are all now 14.3-16.2...huh??)?!?!
This thought hit me, cause my friend has been trying to sell an EXCELLANT endurance Arab...granted, she is young (just over 3) and I know lately lots of ppl want "ready to compete" horses....but her bloodlines are excellant (A DR Thunderbask horse) and her confirmation is impecable. Her disposition is great too..And a "good looker" besides...
Her only "downside": she is now only 13.3 and will probablly never top 14.1-2...or at least EVERY potential buyer has told my friend this, once they hear how "small" she is....."oh, she sounds lovely...but I really think I need a bigger horse" (and these are by no means 6'4" 200+ pound men calling...)
I mean heack, this horse could be a Tevis multi-timer or FEI quality...but they quible about her height??
I remember reading the old Lew Hollander book, and in it, he says when looking for a horse...
to go for smaller ones (up to 15hds I think it was), as the "bigger ones seem not to last as long" or some such....and many "old timers" I talk to, say the same thing...And they say that smaller horses use less energy...good for endurance...right?? Same thing with heat buildup/cooling...
So why is it now, that all the ads for buying and breeding horses emphasize "15.3....or 16+ hd talll!!)
Sure, a few ppl might really need a taller horse, but the average endurance rider (aren't we like 80% women in this sport??) doesn't! ESP if a horse is well built with a short back meant for weight bearing.....
Anyway, just wanted some thoughts on this...I am the training this horse for my friend (who has a bad back and is now riding only gaited horses, hence hte need to sell this one, or she'd keep her....)
and I LOVE her, and ESP her size (none of the horses I llike riding are over 14.2, some are not even 14!), So I just don't understand the "I need a monster" mentality.....
Natalie, the "pony" lover :)

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