Re: [RC] opening gates? - Horse ElinoreL.TonsorTitle: Re: [RC] opening gates? Carla,Carry an extra lead line with you, one with a snap big enough to put the rope through. Run the lead line around the stationary post and the gate end pole, slip the end of the rope through the lead line snap and pull the "lasso" smaller. It will close the gap between the two posts with much less effort, and you'll have a free hand to secure the gate. ET Wisconsin
The gates I encounter are the kind you have to get off the horse to open and close -- they're made out of barb wire and they collapse. And it takes all my strength to open and close (especially close) some of them. I can't stand barb wire gates, but that's what mostly is around. I think once I encountered a pipe gate that could actually be opened while on a horse, in the nat'l forest. Most are "gap gates" made from barbed wire.