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RE: [RC] [RC] re: endurance riders aloof? I don't think so - Chelsea Marsh

Nobodies told me to get lost yet, even though I tend to be a bit
"obsessive compulsive" about asking questions, so I think Endurance
riders AND Competitive trail riders are a really neat bunch for the most
part. I cornered a poor soul a while ago at a store who I had been
talking to while waiting for my mom. The poor stranger mentioned that
they had done both Comp. trail and Endurance, and were very good natured
about me picking their brain until my mom came and rescued them! LOL! 

Thanks for putting up with me! You guys are the best!
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006 15:55:46 -0600, "Rae" <tallcarabians@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I'm sure I may give that impression too - that I'm aloof or rude, but
I'm deaf and sometimes hearing aid batteries go out in the middle of the
trail, so no, I may not hear someone shouting behind me that they want to
pass.  Plus, you'd be surprised at how loud wind is in a microphone.
Sometimes I can't even hear the person right next to me over it.



Tall C Arabians - Central



From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dawn Carrie
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:41 PM
To: Lynne Glazer
Cc: MisticalRide@xxxxxxx; ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Camp
Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] re: endurance riders aloof? I don't think so


Keep in mind that what one person finds "aloof and rude" may be quite
twisted.  A friend told me about someone (and I happen to know this
who does NATRC, and went to an endurance ride about a year ago.  She
after that ride that she'd stick with NATRC, because endurance riders
rude and stand-offish...when asked what she meant, she told my friend
whenever she'd arrive at a NATRC ride, other riders would immediately
everything and come over and help her set up her camp, horse pen,
endurance riders didn't do that.  (!!!!)  Turns out that, at least at the
NATRC rides she attends, people get extra points or something like that
going out of their way to help other people.  Hmmm...take away the points
incentive, and let's see how "helpful" those people would be.  <G>  Bet
they'd be just like endurance riders...friendly, but not falling all over
themselves to wait on one another hand and foot.  LOL 


Dawn in East Texas


 Chelsea Marsh


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RE: [RC] [RC] re: endurance riders aloof? I don't think so, Rae