[RC] Reactor Panel Endurance model (or any RP) - Christina McCarthy
Does anyone have a old RP saddle that they could part with either in a trade (Kieffer Wein Dressage) or donate?
Christina McCarthy
From: christina_mccarthy@xxxxxxxxxxx To: chrystal@xxxxxxxxxxxx CC: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: [RC] Pain and stiffness after a 50/it can be prevented somewhat! Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 22:24:00 -0500
Remember to BREATHE...sounds easy, however during mad gallops, difficult terrain, spooks etc it is easy to forget. I do ask others to remind me during rides... If you see a red faced lady who is smiling whilst riding...it is probably me!
Christina McCarthy
CC: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: [RC] Pain and stiffness after a 50/it can be prevented somewhat! From: Chrystal@xxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 20:40:33 -0500
You may have to remind yourself many times within an hour to drop your shoulders. It's not easy to get out of the habit. And, most of us will deny that we do it. Get a friend to watch you. Hunch your shoulders up to your ears and then drop them as far as you can. Get your friend to ride behind and notice how you gradually start raising them again. Get them to remind you to drop them and shake them out.
Or get a dreassage coach who will mention your shoulders ( they need to be back, back, BACK! Open your chest. NOW! ) What are you doing ?RELAX you have to RELAX or you will hurt, RELAXXXXXX.. SHOULDERS!!!!...CHEST...WHY DON"T YOU RELAX????!!!! every 2 or 3 seconds for many months>;_0 ;-) I used to DREAM those words I heard them so often. :-)