Re: [RC] Pain and stiffness after a 50; a given? - SandyDSA
In a message dated 11/28/2006 7:46:51 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
sherman@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
I started taking glucosamine & chondriotin 7 years ago (at age 50 & it has done
wonders already) and MSM if joints start feeling a little stiff or my
tendonitis starts acting up. I have just a couple spots of
I hope my PC doesn't go awol before I finish - having snow, sleet, and
power outages. Some dumkopft must have hit a pole.
I have had arthritis since I was 17 and got up one morning and fell
to the floor - my hip wouldn't work. Over the years, I found that my first
felonious orthopod was WRONG - he said I better quit doing most everything
active or else I would be in a wheelchair by the time I was 30. Contraire, Herr
Doktor!!! Two OTHER OPs told me - HECK NO! Get GOING! So I did. Now, a couple of
decades (well, 30 YEARS) later, I am NOT in a wheelchair, and only have some bad
mornings or bad moments or events - but I still ride, swim, walk (I would JOG,
but I shattered my ankle and with all the metal I scare small children jogging
down the road since I resemble Quasimodo far more than Jim Fix.
When i saw the reference to MSM and GAGS etc., I
thought to speak up. Over the years, I have used Arnica for those mild, lactic
acid issues post exercise; but in the past few years, the same Dynamite I fed my
horses I started using myself (thank God for Jim Zamzow who FINALLY put them in
capsules so I can quit sifting them into capsules myself). Being diagnosed with
lupus - two of 3 positive tests, at least it explains the fatigue and arthritis
- I started charting my condition with and without the combination I take and it
was amazing to me, when I have my Plus, MSMS and Free and Easy each day, I can
do pretty much anything (but I still look like Quasimodo when I run); but if I
forget for 3 or more days, I start getting so stiff and even sore that it takes
me a dozen or so steps to loosen up enough to walk to the toilet during the
night or even in midday!
I would consider the arnica to be a mild
compensatory supplement for muscular soreness due to lactic acid build up post
exercise; but if there are other soft or boney tissue issues such as I have, the
MSM/free and Easy type of combo is a