A big thanks toCynthia, Dave, Dana,
Don & all the rest of the crew for putting on the
third annual Turkey Trot ride in Bonita, CA. on November
25th. The weather was absolutely perfect, and the volunteers were kind
& abundant ! Fred Beasom was the head vet, and the other 2 vets did a
great job of helping us with our trusty steeds. The trail was challenging, but
very do-able, and a delicious meal was served. I was also impressed by the
great prizes provided, and gorgeous completion Tee shirts. The campground
is pristine, and well organized also. This ride has been sanctioned again
for next year, and it is a great way to burn off the calories. We hiked a
lot of the steep stuff, both up & down to quench the pumpkin pie guilt ! I
hope to make it number 4 next Turkey weekend in 2007 !!