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RE: [RC] US Rider roadside assistance -
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
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Re: [RC] to blanket or not -
Mary Ann Spencer
[RC] To blanket or Not - JOHN MIDDLETON
I just trace clipped my horse for the first time because it has been
quite warm in Colorado Springs and I have been invited to go Fox
Hunting tomorrow. Found some pictures online for trace clipping
and followed them but now wonder if he will become sore under
the cinch area and the breast collar. Was I supposed to clip this
area? It looked like it on all the pictures I saw online. I clipped
the bottom of his neck, chest, under belly and up to where the saddle
starts. Straight line down his body.
So, will he become sore under his cinch?
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Re: [RC] to blanket or not -
Mary Ann Spencer
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RE: [RC] US Rider roadside assistance -
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
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Re: [RC] to blanket or not
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RE: [RC] to blanket or not