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Re: [RC] US Rider roadside assistance - Kristi Schaaf

Laney wrote:
I called USRider the next work day & got the truck
towed to the local dealer for repairs. *BUT* if she
had needed roadside assistance, USRider would not have
come to her aid ((unless she also happened to be a
member), because I (the USRider member) was not in the
vehicle at the time! 

I had a minor negative experience with US Rider,
unfortunately, though buried somewhere in the fine
print was probably the clause that covered it. The
power steering hose on my truck burst (thankfully I
wasn't hauling). I called US Rider for a tow but was
put on hold. Time was of essence to I hung up and
called the nearest tow company then called US Rider
back and was told by the rep that it was fine that I
had called a two myself, and to just submit the bill
for reimbursement.

Well, I was at work the day the truck was repaired, so
hubby picked it up and signed the receipt. I submitted
the receipt and the required letter for compensation,
explaining what happened. But I soon got a 'refusal'
letter from US Rider for the $60 tow because "I" (as
the insured member) didn't sign the receipt...sigh...I
was a bit disgusted by that (the credit card he used
was in my name, for gosh sake). I still am insured by
US Rider because of all the positive things I've heard
people say about using them when things go all to
hell, and I just KNOW that if I cancel I'm BOUND to
break down in the middle of nowhere with all three


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