If a rider felt that their mount was unfit to continue, they'd still have
to present to the vet and state (something to the effect of ) "I believe my
mount is unfit to continue because of ........................." and the vet
would then either verify the riders feelings or assuage the concern. ..."
It is my experience that most good riders do exactly this now.
Good endurance vets encourage this behavior. As I have gained experience
over the years, in a vast majority of my pulls I have told the vet that I was
pulling. I have even seen a rider tell the vet she thought her horse was a
little off on the RF. In this case the vet convinced her that the horse
was fine. I met her a few miles after the check, leading the now grade 4
horse back to the check. Even vets aren't perfect.
I just don't see this happening under the conditions of a WEC. There
is just to much riding on completing. It is a human tendency to ignore
danger signs when an extremely important goal is in sight. I don't think
this will ever change.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875