In reading recently that the extra calcium in
alfalfa may help prevent ulcers, I also wonder if the complete removal of
alfalfa from our horses’ diets (other than on ride day) may have contributed
to more ulcers? In reading the
Decade Interviews, looks like long ago many horses were fed straight alfalfa
and while I know this is not recommended, maybe a pound or two a day would
reduce the incident of ulcers?
Jody wrote:
Back years ago we didn't *seem* to have the ulcer
problems.Now, it seems tons of
horses are affected by them.I have
often wondered, have I been lucky or what to have had several horses in this
sport since 1979, and shoved all those elytes down them for years and not had
ulcers.We tend to blame the
elytes, when maybe it was something else like daily wormers that are used so
much more now a days.