RE: [RC] horses that won't run off and leave you - Paul Sidio
A couple of years ago, Pat Parilli and his wife
Linda came to our town to do two days of seminars and demonstrations. It was
very entertaining and there was some useful information too. They did
their whole show with horses running all over the arena at liberty and playing
games. One of the things they had was a large round step platform for the horse
to stand on . (kind of like a giant upside down feed tub.) They would coax
the horse to put its front feet on the platform and then get all four feet up
there.. Like a circus elephant. It was impressive.
At the end of two days of showing us how to bond
with our horses, they were doing their farewell grand finale laps around the
arena. Music playing, Pat, Linda and their riders all cantering and waving
etc. It was very stirring. Suddenly the crowd gasped in horror. Linda's
faithfull trained steed shyed at something and threw her off to the arena floor.
After laying there for a minute, She rolled clear and jumped up to show the
relieved crowd she was ok.
The faithfull Parilli Level Something trained
horse left her lying there in the sand and bolted to the middle of the
ring. It went right to that stupid tub and put its front feet on it... and
there it patiently stood until Linda limped up and caught it. An older
horseman sitting next to me said, " Ahhh.. so that's the trick.
Carry a big tub with you and if your horse throws you, turn the tub upside down
so the horse comes back to stand on it. Hmmm I would never have thought of that.
Yep this makes the two days well spent".
I have never tried it with my horse, but any of you
are welcome to do so.