[RC] [RC] Bare VS Shod: There must be a compromise - sherman
I recently asked a ride manager that
question as the entry stated that all horses must be shod & I was not
planning on ever shoeing my horse who at 8 yrs old
hadn’t had shoes yet. I was told that boots are fine, and what was really
meant by the statement was “hoof protection” is required. Unfortunately, Sonny kept getting rubs
with gaiters, losing boots without them, so I put shoes on him for his first
ride. I hope he’ll be able to use boots for the upcoming year. He
naturally wears his toes down when he’s barefoot, so my farrier shaped the shoes to his hoof and he’s doing
well with them, but I really prefer using the boots IF I can make them work
without rubs or constantly losing them.
I have a Newbie question: Donna
Snyder Smith in her book on endurance riding, states that all competing horses
must be shod. I know she wrote that book some time ago. Is that a
superseded rule or is it still in effect? I don’t ever plan on shoeing my
mustang. I am considering boots, however. --Dave