Me too, another happy customer.? Polarfleece, now why did I forget to bring THOSE to Manzanita last weekend?? So sure it wouldn't keep raining.
I love the unusual colors she manages to find (if not the PATTERNS like you and Elfta!)
On Oct 18, 2006, at 11:01 AM, Tx Trigger wrote:
I've got 1/2 dozen?or so?pairs of tights from Evelyn over the years. (??? )? And can't say enough about her workmanship, and quality of service. She will work with you for just the right tight for your needs, do alterations of needed, and find you that special color!?? You can custom order them, or she has ready to ship. Can't say enough!
Jonni in TX (wearing those bright colored tights in the land of drab dressed endurance riders <wink>)