[RC] Ride-n-Tie rules... - SpottedracerI've looked all through the rulebook that AERC sent me, and cannot find the rules for this event. Here's the situation and the rule questions we have:One of my students is a 12-year-old Gifted child with moderate Scoleosis (sp?). She's been riding our Paso-cross mare and is a very talented young rider. Her father competes in Triathalons, and is fairly short in stature and (of course) on the slim side. So the small mare could easily carry him in her medium rack. The daughter is dreaming of competing, but with her challenges, will probably be unable to without assistance. Her father mentioned hearing about the ride-n-tie events, and is very interested in doing this with his daughter. Here are our questions: #1 - Can one of the riders do 99% of the running portion? #2 - Can the other rider (aboard the horse) just follow the runner? #3 - does the ride-n-tie come in a 10-mile distance? #4 - what is the time limit? (since they plan to go no faster than the mare's fast rack.. 8-9mph) thanks! - LP