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[RC] Farrier and vet Anza CA. -
Sue Stevenson
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[RC] Short History of US endurance -
Steve Shaw
Re: [RC] Short History of US Endurance - Tom Sites
It should entail but not be limited to:
!. The History of American expansionalism and the usage of the horse.
2. It should include some of the earlier Races like Chaldron
3. It should include local races that determined County seats and the like.
4. It should use the ride of Teddy Roosevelt and Lady Wadsworth and others.
5. It should include the 1950-60's organized rides like the Vermont, Tevis (a chapter could be given to this).
6. It should highlight the AERC and how it was formed and what its objectives were then and how they have evolved.
7. It should include the FEI connection in the 80's.
8. It should include the Shame of Catosa and those of its like.
9. It should show the merits of the Sport and how well it enhanses the lives of those that participate.
10. And it should show where the USA is now in the World Arena (thanks to FEI)
11. If there is room it should also show the American innovations and things like the CRI.
12. It should show that the end of the story is not yet here, but evolving.
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[RC] Short History of US endurance -
Steve Shaw
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[RC] Farrier and vet Anza CA. -
Sue Stevenson
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[RC] Short History of US endurance
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[RC] Farrier and vet Anza CA.