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Re: [RC] [RC] "status" rides - Jonni

I never had the idea I wanted to do 100's. But, I wanted to do Tevis. At my first attempt back in 1988, I never even thought about other 100 milers.  It was not the allure of just riding 100 miles, it was the goal of riding 100 miles over some of the toughest most beautiful and historic  trail our nation had to offer. And now that I finished the ride last summer on my 3rd attempt, I want to ride it again. Yet, I have no desire to ride local 100's, and most likely never will have that desire.   Big Horn, Swanton, OD all sound like they would be rides I would like to take on as a challenge, as they are also known for being some of the tougher 100's, but  also for me, more importantly known as some of the more beautiful 100's.   So while I love the bragging rights of having that Tevis buckle to show to my friends, and I guess the status that represents, it is the trail itself that calls me to consider a 100, not "just" riding 100 miles.
Jonni in TX