"...And then again, everyone has to use the same
chips/scanner or you'll have the same problem that is in with dogs. Many
dogs are chipped but are still unknown because a facility may have a different
scanner. And in a project this size, I can imagine other companies
complianing about a monopoly etc.
Also, in the NAIS system is that the fact that there in all
likelihood be multiple databases stream lining into one. What
comes to mind is human error...."
More fuzzy thinking.
The basic argument here is "things are not perfect, we better not do
anything". We will never have a perfect solution, if there are benefits,
you just go with what is possible and work towards a better system..
The complaints about possible multiple data bases, and various chip systems
are just a smoke screen. Readers that read multiple chips are being sold
right now. If chips are selected and in wide use, capitalism will produce
cheap readers that read all chips. Multiple databases (which may not even
exist in a national system) are coordinated all the time. Being able to
get data out of multiple databases is one root of the fears of those who
warn us that the apocalypse is fast approaching.
Again, we all have to give up something to get what we need. As an
animal owner I will get two big benefits that excite me. First, the
chances of my horses contacting a disease will be reduced. Second, if my
horses are lost, strayed, or stolen I will have a much better chance of getting
them back. I want both of these benefits.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875