[RC] NAIS What it will means to you - Gloria Adams
Gabbani is right: “Rats are far more likely to
carry many of the diseases that Carla listed and I don't see any rush to keep
track of them. Sounds like someone got a bright idea that really isn't as far
as I can see.”
What this NAIS means (& I
got this info from a board member of my state Horseman’s Assn), it that
every single little gymkhana, big & little endurance rides, NATRC, rodeos,
horse shows, Friday night Team pennings, group horseback riding lessons, etc
will have to scan each & every horse that comes on the property each &
every time.
This will raise the cost of
these events, especially for little community events (ie: kids gymkhanas that
have $5 entry fees) that operate on a shoestring (what group can afford a
scanner too?), & they will cease to exist for many.
This also means every time
you sell a horse (ie: not big commercial horse sellers, but a backyard person
that sells 1 horse), you are going to have to find someone with a scanner to
get that horse off your property too.