I have had both my hips replaced..spaced about 18 months apart..I was
riding two months after the second hip and ride pretty much pain free.
Unfortunately the first hip replacement caused permanent damage to my gluteus
medius which essentially means I have to walk with a cane..not because of pain
but because of pelvic instability. HOwever, even if I knew beforehand that
this was going to happen,,,I still would have had the surgeries..No more pain
and you don't need your gluteus medius to ride!!! I've got a fold up cane that I
tie onto the back of my saddle so I can get off and walk if I want to. Getting
on is still a challenge but I am getting more creative all the
time. I hope do be doing at least a couple of fifties this next
summer. I know it sounds scarey..especially when the doctor starts
listing all the potential complications..(they list almost all the same ones if
you have your appendix out!) Just imagine what it would feel like to be
without constant pain..It is sooooooo worth it! Sandy