When i read on RC that Rapunzaal had coliced and
died at 27 years and 8 weeks, i knew it was Tomy-Time again. BayMar
coliced and died at 27 years and 16 weeks at the very same time. Its
really hard to watch one you Love, suffer and die, and at times thats a Blessing
from the pain.
I was sad and in a state of morbidity seeing his
lifeless body that carried me for so many years, For 30 years i've had
horses here and because Gabriel is at the trainers its an errie guietness that
something is missing in my life. Gabriel will be coming home in a few
weeks and he'll be the Man and not an understudy and i know he too will feel our
loss. Life goes on and it does get better but it doesn't ever make it any
My first thought was Poetry that haunts me
A Dove circles my Grief
Like a Gypsies Soul that cries for
Tears Melt Suns and Flowers Grow
and Nobody Owns them.
and then a nice note came to me that sounds more
Somewhere in Times own space
There must be some sweet pastured
Where creeks move on and tall trees
Some Paradise where horses go,
For the Love that guides my pen
I Know great Horses Live Again.
by Stanley Harrison
and i got a nice card from my friend Jeannie
Waldron who said....
'Just Please start riding and find another
Gabriel will be coming home soon, and my Friend and
i will be riding again. tom sites