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[RC] Namibia - moving on - Stephanie Teeter

The air in Africa always seems to smell smoky.

I'm at the Okahandja Lodge for the night (www.okahandjalodge.com) - a lovely
place with thatched roof buildings, Anette Hanekom is putting me up here,
she also has a guest house in Okahandja but it is full - this is peak 'game
- safari' season. The grass has all dried up, so the animals gather at the
water spots, and can easily be seen. Game hunting is one of Namibia's big
businesses  - they have abundant game preserves, lodges, guides, parks, etc.
Lots of Europeans come for their safari.

Anette is largely responsible for having me here - she 'is' the Endurance
Federation - doing all of the paperwork, organization, International travel,
etc etc. She and Sylvanus are the parents of Vanette - one of the top young
riders here, they are totally supportive  - as are all the parents it seems.
Zelda von Schauroth is another International force - her son Izolde has
ridden in Bahrain (WEC_JYR Championship), in Abu Dhabi Presidents Cup, and
recently in Aachen where he finished 24th on a leased horse. A very fit
talented rider, very motivated.

Namibia will be sending a team of Young Riders to Argentina next March - I
hope they can find some fine horses to match these fine riders! They are

- more later, the sun is setting - can't miss it



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