RE: [RC] Crossing the border with horses OR ONE MONTH VS 30 DAYS - Dolores Arste
I know this doesn't
seem funny now, but later it will make a great story. I trucked a horse up to my
friend's in Canada for their daughter years ago.
I called every
customs person, and every vet on both sides of the border so that I would have
all the paper work in order and so that I shouldn't have to
see the border vet
which might have cost as much as $100-
It snowed and slowed
me down considerably. We got to the border, paperwork all in order, but the vet
had gone home. With the paper work, I shouldn't have
needed the vet. But,
there is no arguing with the border people. So, I backtracked to a hotel and
slept in the van until 8:00AM. This horse also spent the night
the trailer.
When we got to the
border in the morning, they just sent us on thru. No vet needed. Sigh. But,
there's a funnier side still. I didn't know that there would be
on the horse. So, I
had to tell them it was my horse so that I didn't have to pay the tax. They
handed me paperwork to be filled out when I brought the horse home.
Sigh.... I wasn't
bringing the horse home. No matter, I was thru the border. Time to deal with
this new issue.
I called customs in
Toronto on my cell phone and told them that I'd sold my horse while at an event.
What do I do now about the GST etc. My friend had to take
that paperwork, pay
the GST AND have a vet come out to look at the horse. And, I was able to escape
back to New York. At least I know the Canadians
won't be coming
looking for me.
I guess the deal is
that people try to transport big, expensive race horses and show horses in
rickety two horse trailers so as to avoid taxes and vet bills. Its
people that we all
are indebted to when WE get stopped minding our own business. Just smile and put
a chapter in your book. I know I'll enjoy reading it.
Arste (518) 882 6485 We know
too much and feel too little. At least, we feel too little of those creative
emotions from which a good life springs." -- Bertrand Russell