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You have to pay 100 dollars to even file a complaint of abuse. I personally have been to regional shows and watched people beat the crap out of their horses. Ever watch the warm up rings? Horses cranked to the extreme in draw reins and other gadgets, english pleasure and park horses shown in stacked shoes. Thanks, but many of us also know what really goes on at shows and are disgusted by it. Halter horses greased up and so scared they are shaking in fear. Trainers, some of the biggest, receive huge bans for? offenses ranging from beating, gingering, and my fav the plastic surgery debacle a la David Boggs.?
No thanks, I'll take my gorgeous without a bridle path and cute little whiskered HAPPY endurance mares anytime.?
The time I needed the helicopter ride I was in 8th place and 41 miles in. EVERY single person stopped and offered help. The girl in front got help, used her new jacket as a bandage on my wound, the next guy walked my mare to the vet check and probably lost his top 10 because of it. I was offered company, water, lip balm, food, you name it. Lynne trailered my horse home for me. After showing and doing many other disciplines, I have to say that this kind of help would not have been offered in other disciplines especially if it cost someone a ribbon.?
In my experience at least. I've watched girls beat their horses upon leaving the ring because their horse screwed up. How is it always the horse's fault and not the snobby brat of a rider?? Makes me want to throw up.?
On Aug 26, 2006, at 9:10 PM, Richard M Levine wrote:

If you ever attend an AHA show and witness any type of prohibited abuse, it should be immediately reported to the Ring Steward, who has a sworn responsibility to investigate. There are strong penalty solutions if indeed it is proven that this took place. Taking a photo of it when it is in progress would be helpful, but whip marks and welts speak volumes to both a judge and steward.

Thru the years I have seen horses excused from the ring for such marks.

Of course catching them in the act is all they need to proceed against the offending exhibitor, Pro or Amateur.
