Re: [RC] TWHs and ignorance...slightly OT (sorry) - Mary Ann Spencer
This is not OT, at least to me. Seems all the
breeds have their folks who are ONLY interested in the big bucks expected from
artificial training methods. Arab owners used to put ginger under the
tail. All for some artificial 'style'. IMHO
Subject: [RC] TWHs and
ignorance...slightly OT (sorry)
Back in high school (1994 and 1995, if anyone wants to know) a
teacher of mine found out I was passionate about horses (guess it was the
doodles that gave it away...) and invited me to ride her TWHs with her.
She had two - both apparently big name show horses - and she needed
someone to help exercise them during their "off-season." I gladly accepted
her invitation - riding lessons were expensive and any excuse to climb in
the saddle was welcome!! - and met my first TWHs. One, she called "Hawk"
(don't know their registered names) and he was a gorgeous chestnut. So
shiny - I can still remember how proud he looked. The other was a 4 or 5
year old named "Ebony." He was jet black - almost blue in the dim arena
lights. Anyway, I adored their smooth gaits and proud look - until she
invited me to a show. I had never been around horses like these before -
nor their people. Even my teacher admitted it was "regrettable", but she
plastered some yellow goop on their legs and bragged to me that her
"trainer" (*how* is it training to hurt a horse??) could "get the big
lick" like no one else in the area. Her horses won first and second place
- but I could not get the sick taste out of my mouth and looking her
horses in the eyes made me cry. I went home, threw up, and never rode with
her again. In college I met a really sweet woman who raised what she
called "Natural" TWHs and her horses were so different! I wish people
could value them for what they are, without resorting to strange chemicals
and devices. Sigh. Sorry for going OT.