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Re: [RC] 100 miler - rides2far

Why do people get so caught up about what other people want, can or 
need to> do for their horses to have fun in a sport that is in reality
small part of life. 

I dunno. I'm still trying to figure out why *every time* we have ever
disussed having a program to encourage the 100 milers, the discussion 
has morphed into a defense of LD.  Check the archives folks. Does giving
recognition to the 100 mile distance automatically threaten LD or what?
To me it's two totally different discussions but without fail, the way
you cut off the debate on a 100 mile program is to start delcaring the
validity of LD. The first time or two I thought it was a coincidence. Now
I'm just trying to figure out what appears to be an automatic response.

Angie McGhee


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