I know this has been talked about alot but I guess it needs to be brought
back up again - and that is the ROC..and how it inspired riders to do more
100 mile rides. In order to even enter the ROC you had to qualify by doing
a certain number of 100 mile rides. THAT was the goal..Planning a couple of
years before hand and conditioning and riding rides accordingly.Having an event
like Steph is talking about is great but we need another great ride
like the ROC that has the completion of a certain number of 100 mile rides
as criteria for entry.. that is one really tried and true way to bring back 100
mile rides. Also. the years of the "trailer race" seems like 100s were
more popular. So...someone should form a group whose entire purpose is to
put together a ride on the same format as the ROC.. most important that riders
have to qualify to enter. Maybe Steph's ride will evolve into such a
ride. Maybe a ride manager who has an established 100 mile ride would be
willing to do two rides...their regular ride and then a ROC format 100 mile
ride, And as that is asking alot of a ride manager...this "group" whose purpose
is to put together a "ROC" would work with the ride manager to put the EVENT
on. We know having an ROC inspired more 100 mile riders...so seems that's
the direction we need to go.