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Re: [RC] Stirring up a hornet's nest! -
Joe Long
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Re: [RC] Stirring up a hornet's nest! -
Sisu West Ranch
Fw: Re: [RC] Rudeness during awards - Jo Ann Knight
OOPs meant to post this to ridecamp.
-------Original Message-------
Jo Ann Knight
8/3/2006 12:16:48 PM
Re: [RC] Rudeness during awards
Very good idea. Love it
I have been to meetings and since I have a hearing problem which noise makes
worse, I do not like to sit next to talkative people when the RM is talking
or whoever the speaker is.
I think what should be done is that the RM should announce that those who
wish to talk durng the meeting should retire to the porch and can ask
questions, should they have any,
if anyone is willing to take the time to answer them. End of announcement,
no leave and let us get on with the meeting for those who have questions
and don't know it all and want to listen!
I like that idea too.
Jo Ann
Dawn wrote:
...I'm just going
to ask someone else in the crowd who WAS listening to answer their question.
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Re: [RC] Stirring up a hornet's nest! -
Sisu West Ranch
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Re: [RC] Stirring up a hornet's nest! -
Joe Long
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[RC] rudeness during awards
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