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Re: [RC] Champion -
Tiffany D'Virgilio
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Re: [RC] Bears?Burros?Rocks? -
Jo Ann Knight
[RC] Help the Big Horn 100 - OTTOWY
Many people have E-mailed me with advice and asked how to help the Big Horn 100. Thank you.
The best way anyone can help right now is to:
1. Log on the BigHorn100.com
2. Click on Save the Big Horn 100
3. Print out the addresses of the Forest Service management that won't let us use Adelaide.
4. WRITE THEM and tell them how you feel. (But, be careful, we don't them to pull ALL our permits.)
5. Accept my deepest and sincerest thanks for a job well done.
99% if not 100% of our and your worries can be solved by getting our trail back!
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Re: [RC] Bears?Burros?Rocks? -
Jo Ann Knight
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Re: [RC] Champion -
Tiffany D'Virgilio
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[RC] Freeform saddle/choice of pad for Dressage riding
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[RC] zebra training