Well, it’s official, due to Shadow’s
(Tara’s horse) injury last
Wednesday night she will not be able to attempt the Tevis
this year. She needs to be on antibiotics for at least another 6 days, and then
be evaluated to see if another week is required.
Tara said she “might”
want to ride still if another horse were available, not sure at this point as
Shadow and her have been a team for a few years now. Anyway,
I thought I’d put the word out, just in case someone has a Tevis ready, junior worthy, horse that they’d like to
lend. I know it’s a long shot, both for a horse to be available at this
short notice, and for Tara to even want
a substitute for her Shadow.
So, if you have a horse that you’d want to lend let us
know ASAP. If you know of someone else that might, please pass this along. BTW,
for those who don’t know Tara, she is 14
and been riding since she was 6, on Shadow since she was 10, that’s when
she decided endurance riding was for her.