[RC] riding helmet, link to statistics on LOTS of horse topics - April Allison
The lowest rated helmet recomended for
horsebackriding holds the same rating as the highest rated helmet for bikes.
This helmet is cross rated for rollerblades and other sports as well as
biking. As it is the "top of the line" for bikes, it is very
The lowest ASTM/SEI rated helmet for for
horses is safe for riding a bike and can be purchased for $20-$30.
You can wear a horse helmet for biking but not the
other way around, unles it is the highest rated helmet for
If you want some information for a child to help
them wear their helmet, check out a short movie by 4-H called, "every ride,
every time." The kids are very impressed when they put a jello mold of a brain
in an approved helmet and drop it. The jello brain survives with all its
wrinkles intack. It also shows impact tests that show the difference
in helmet ratings. http://4h.wsu.edu/foundation/merchandise.htm
I did pick one up on ebay for $1.
If you need information for an adult, try the
American Medical Equestrian Association. They have newsletters online where you
can get statistics on helmet use. Body protector use too.
The university of Texas has a lot of their stuff
online free.