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RE: [RC] Hot horses - Mike Sherrell

Understood. I'm just wondering how common it is under these conditions. I
gather endurance riders are RACING 50-100 miles across the Arab Peninsula,
and ultramarathoners are running 85 miles across Death Valley in July, and
my horse, who is usually still enthusiastic after 20 miles in the 80s and
90s, pooped out and lost his energy after maybe half an hour of mostly
gaiting at about 105. My question is whether I can write this off as likely
overheating, or do I have to think about it more thoroughly.


Mike Sherrell

Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834

-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn Kinsky [mailto:lkinsky@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:45 PM
To: mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RC] Hot horses

Is it unusal for fairly well-conditioned horses, not dehyrated, under
saddle, to kind of poop out at high temps, dry heat of 100 or over?


Mike Sherrell

Heat exhaustion is heat exhaustion -- happens to well conditioned
human athletes too.  When core temperature rises, whether through
fever or an inability to dissipate enough muscle heat, trouble
ensues.  Keeping the poll cool via a wet towel or sponge tied between
the horse's ears will help its brain stay cool via a "swamp cooler"
effect and will help stave off heat exhaustion and keep the horse
perkier --  but basically, high temperature riding requires close
monitoring of the horse.

 Lynn Kinsky, Santa Ynez, CA


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