[RC] Looking for Pix of AK endurance horses - Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk
I’m helping gather pictures for an article on Al
Khamsa endurance horses. What is Al Khamsa, you ask? It is a preservation
breeding group that includes most Egyptian horses, All Davenports, all BLUE
STARs, and some other groups of horses. It is a bit like CMK horses but to be
considered AK, the horse must be 100% from those lines.
I can help if you don’t know if your horse qualifies.
And as a hint, if Skowronek is in the pedigree, the horse does not qualify. (He’s
in a lot of Arabian pedigrees…hence why I said this.)
The article will be published in Khamsat, a glossy magazine
produced by Al Khamsa Inc coming out in August. I need either “real”
pictures (I will promptly return them.) or high resolution digital pix.