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Fw: [RC] Easyboot Bares and Solstice saddle - roxanne kopp

Barbara - I just realized this hasn't posted to Ridecamp and that it probably wouldn't reach you so I am forwarding in hopes you get a chance to read it on Ridecamp. Roxanne
----- Original Message ----- From: "roxanne kopp" <koppj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Ridecamp Guest" <guest-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: [RC] Easyboot Bares and Solstice saddle


I am only entering my third ride season but have owned my Solstice for seven years now. It has fit both of my horses - I have the wide tree. I have not had any problems with it and have not had any back issues with either horse. I have found it to be a very well made saddle that stands up to use. Now, I have always taken good care of it - cleaned and oiled regularly. The only thing I had to do two years ago was have replacement billets sewn on. I ordered mine with the long dressage billets and highly recommend it. That way the girth buckles are not anywhere under your leg. The saddle looks just like a dressage saddle and places your leg under you, mine has nice big knee rolls and is very comfortable to ride in all day. I expect mine to last for many years to come but if I were to get another saddle I would order the same saddle. Also, I found the Solstice to be a relatively light saddle - don't remember the exact weight but it is not heavy at all.
Really, I am a very satisfied customer.



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