[RC] [RC] Glycemic index of horse grains - sherman
I’ve been reading so much lately about grains, glycogen, beet
pulp, that I can’t remember which author wrote what. I do recall that
someone with lots more knowledge than myself (Susan Garlinghouse? TI?, or maybe
summarized by Dr. Weary) wrote that the meals eaten during a ride have little
to do with gut sounds at the vet checks as it takes so long for food to get
into the gut where all these sounds we like to hear are formed. Instead, what
is important in keeping good gut motility is good hydration and electrolyte
balance and readily available energy (glycogen?) fed frequently throughout the
ride to keep all systems functioning properly. If the horse runs low on energy
or fluids, systems start slowing down, gut sounds diminish. So, if the horse frequently
eats small amounts (a pound or so) of oats or carrots (not beet pulp, not
enough glycogen?), then they will actually have more energy to keep their guts
operational and may even stimulate them to eat more hay which will eventually
get to the hindgut, but not for quite a while. Did I get this right? And does
anyone remember how long it takes for food to get to the hindgut?
First of all, it matters a whole lot whether you're talking about
shredded or pelleted beet pulp. But both forms soak up a heck of a lot of
water! I'm thinking that beet pulp might be more popular in the dry west than
in other, relatively wet parts of the country. Out here, there often is no
water (or grass) along the trail so it can be a long time in between water
sources (i.e., vet checks). That makes beet pulp very appealing as a water
bearer. My guess is that beet pulp soaks up and holds more water than soaked
hay but I've never tried soaking hay so I'm just guessing. Beet pulp is also
compact and relatively light which are also plusses when "lunch" is
away from camp & whatever you want for your horse has to be carried in your
crewbag. I agree, Truman, that whatever the horse eats at a particular vet
check isn't going to affect its gut sounds immediately. But my assumption about
beet pulp (or any other food) is that having something to work on will keep the
gut working til the next vet check. Laney