I need input. My friend has a dam and filly, purebred, but
she can't get their feet right. She has done everything, under the tutelage of
her professional barefoot trimmer... diet, trims, movement,
x-rays... you name it, she has done it. These mares' feet are
beautiful, textbook looking, as well as their coats, mane and tail, eyes etc.
(Although, I know that pretty is as pretty does.) Other professionals are
stymied. They live in her back yard, so they are tended to often.
She must boot the front feet to ride them as they act
tenderfooted and lame without them. She just lightly trail rides and walks
99.9% of the time so she isn't asking for much. They seem fine in boots, but
pull those boots off, and they act like they are dying. She has been at this for
four years. She now has them on Grand Hoof supplements, but wants them to remain
as natural as possible. She has another horse that is on the same footing, diet,
everything, but she is a rockcruncher!!! At this point my girlfriend is pulling
out her hair, she just wants to hop on and go down the road. We have discussed
this topic until the barefoot cows come home, and my only suggestion for her is
genetics. She cant get the concavity, or growth like other horses get. I know I
trim my barefoot horses every 8 weeks or so, they grow their feet, but her
horses don't. I truly am starting to believe that the only thing left, is genes.
This is very possible... I mean people get "things" from genes.... diabetes,
high blood pressure, birth defects.... right?
Please let me know of your experiences or thoughts so I
can go down the road with my friend!! I know you all are very knowledgeable, I
have read many posts from you! And shoes are not an option for