Karen, I lost my link to your very helpful web
pages, so I was wondering about removing the heel strap in the new Epics.
Banjo and I did a 5 mile ride in them, on the backs only, shoes on front, with
no wrapping or adjustments of any kind. There was a small amout of hair
rubbed off at the heel strap, so I decided to remove them, thinking if we go
more than 5 miles this hair loss would turn into an actual rub. Is this a
correct assumption? So when I tried to remove the strap I realized after
taking it all apart that I would have to actually cut it to remove it. Is
this what you do? Where do you make the cut at? If all this info is
already somewhere please let me know. Thanks in advance. If I can
get this to work on the rears I am going barefoot for good. I can't
wait. Oh also, when removing the boots I did not need a screwdriver to
remove them? does this mean they are not tight enough? They stayed
on even in mud that was deep enough to go over the top.