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Re: [RC] gaited horses/other breeds/jim's comments - Truman Prevatt

I'm not quite as decrepit as Bruce I still ride an Arab :-) , however......... I started endurance with the horse I had been riding which was a walking horse. She did fine. Never had any problems with her. A third of her miles were 100's including the ROC. In endurance she had one win, two seconds, one BC (on a 50 she did in 3:41). At one ride she also had best vet score - oh did I mention that she is a full blooded walking horse.

Is saying or implying you need an Arabian to do endurance breed snobbery? I don't know or care. I'll leave the value judgements to others. But I will tell you to say you need an Arabian to do endurance is pure poppycock.

I have ridden an Arab for the last 10 years but not really by choice. He is my wife's horse and he was too much for her on the trail so instead of selling the vermin she gave him to me to ride when I had to make the decision that if I wanted to breed the mare I had to retire her and do it soon. The good news was he was almost ready to go on a 50 so I wouldn't have a lot of down time. The bad news was he is an Arab. This is the 10th year I've been riding him and we'll join become a "decade team" if I can get these rids rehabbed enough so I can ride 50 miles on him. While I enjoy riding him - I enjoy riding almost any horse. I can truthfully say, however, I do not enjoy riding him as much as I did the mare. If he had not been given to me and I had to go out and find another horse when the mare retired, I doubt very seriously if I would have ended up with an Arab. Like Cowboy Ed, I am not very fond on how Arabs move.

As far as endurance quality. The Jbird is one of those X out of 10 Arabs that are good endurance prospects but when the rubber meets the road he is not even close to being as good of an endurance horse as the mare - no way no how.

I would suspect the best thing we could all do is to go take a deep breath, and go ride our horse of choice - independent of what breed it happens to be. To me the most important thing is how the horse is put together, his/her sanity, etc., not what is on his/her papers.


i ride "other" breeds because that is what i have and that is what i like to ride. ya'll can look up my record if you want to. i have only done this sport for about 5 years now. my completion rate and top ten finishes are about average, i think. the only pulls i have had were due to operator malfunction, not the horse. i have ridden 12 different horses, representing six different breeds, in both LD and endurance. all of these horses are healthy and sound except for one, who decided to die while loafing around in the pasture. i own one registered arab, but she is a 22 year old, lame brood mare. i have ridden a few arabs, and some half arabs. to be quite honest, i dont really like the way they move, and to me the horse's way of going is one of the most important things to consider.
just a few salient comments from the deep south. :-)
cowboy ed


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[RC] gaited horses/other breeds/jim's comments, Ed Kilpatrick