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[RC] selenium toxicity-cost of testing.... - Patti Kuvik

From: Lori Bertolucci <loribertolucci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [RC]   selenium toxicity-cost of testing....

About $45.00 is about what I was thinking I had paid in the past...so over
$100.00 seemed >excessive to me, too.

Cornell charges $15 for the whole blood selenium test, $50 for tissue, the
rest is vet charges, packaging, shipping, etc.
You can draw and ship yourself, but need your vet to sign the submittal form
and receive the mailed results (you can use your own fax number for faxed
MSU charges $18 (serum or tissue)

On one hand, $85 seems like a large markup if the vet is already there and
drawing blood.
On the other, I try to remember that I'm not paying my vet just for "what I
see him doing" - but for years of school and experience, maintaining a
practice/clinic/vehicle/staff, ongoing education, good clinical judgement
and for "being there" for my horses in an emergency (which always happens at
2am on a holiday).

Patti K
Vail AZ


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