[RC] Owyhee 100 Best Conditions - John TeeterBest Condition for the 100 miler was SHA Ebony Rose ridden by Dennis Summers. TM Bagheera ridden by Carrie Johnson was BC for the 75, and AM Gypsy Realm ridden by Linda Howard was awarded BC for the 50 Mile ride.Of note, this was the first 100 miler for Betsy Adamson on Wriana's Destinay!! a very nice ride!, also a first for Ann Kuck and her jenny Hot Stuff in the 50 miler. Laura Yost and Nobel Star Chaser did their 2nd 100 here in Oreana, having completed their first at last years Arabian Nights ride. It was great fun having the US Nominated teams here mixing freely with these new folks entering the sport. Lots of cross-over info and "wows" heard throughout the day! updated ride results (with the countries right - Sorry you Canadians!!) at: http://www.endurance.net/oreana/owyhee100 with some images of the day jt.