just because there are no leash laws does not automatically make a dog
owner not responsible for the actions of their dogs. If the dog is running lose
and gets injured, whether by a horse kicking it or a car running it over - poor
dog to HAVE such a thoughtless owner! - I would NOT live where the dog owner
would NOT be held liable, even for injury to a driver or rider in the incident.
Dog owners need to understand that they do their pets NO favors by allowing them
to run lose in public places. I know people who would shoot first and ask
questions later:). I also have a mare who has indeed charged 3 attacking LOOSE
German Shepherds - of course the owners yelled at ME while their dogs were
attacking ME where we DO have leash laws. HELLO! I WANT my horses to have a
healthy sense of self-preservation! I love dogs, have several but if it comes
down to a choice between someone else's dog or my horse - or heaven forbid, me -
I choose me and my horse over someone else's NEGLIGENTLY loose dog.
My husband was jumped by two HUGE loose dogs 2 days ago in the local EQU
CENTER - dogs are not allowed off leash ANYWHERE HERE! I hope the woman who owns
them got the message from my husband because if they EVER do that to me, there
will be you-know-what to pay. You see, it isn't the animals - it is idiot
owners. Some people should not be allowed to have children or pets.