In a message dated 5/12/2006 11:15:31 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
Merryben@xxxxxxx writes:
Why is it that people will try a sport where their horse can
die without preparing for it and at least being familiar with the
rules. You need to read the rules before entering a ride, even with a
mentor. Sometimes the mentors don't know the rules. I can tell you
who to ask though.....ask one of my juniors....they know all the
I can tell yo why - because for the past decade or more, we have been
promoting mediocrity in order to "produce self esteem". No one actually has to
be competent anymore, so long as they feel good about themselves. You disagree?
Talk to a high school student or college student about exit exams, the state of
the valedictorian controversy. Ask a 4th grader who all gets awards at the end
of soccer season. Check in with people who have lost jobs they were well
qualified for due to affirmative action (no political suggestion here). Reality
ends where false self esteem begins. Why do these people think they should be
able to jump right in and also have rules bent to suit them? Because our self
centered, screwed up sense of entitlement TELLS them they should, that's why. In
MY day (here I go dating myself), one actually had to be capable of performing a
given task before being allowed to participate. One did not have to be a star or
a legend, but one DID have to have a grasp of the necessities of the endeavor.
Check it out - some judge just set aside the required exit exam for high school
seniors on the grounds that it is unfair to limited English students. Well, CRAP
even MORE reason they should have to pass the exam, which only requires
10th grade proficiency in English and math! And these young people will be
running the country when we retire...God preserve us! That is why people think
they should be allowed to participate even when they have no reasonable sense of
preparedness. S