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[RC] looking for a ride for 1 horse NC to MI -
Jessica Spoone-Raines
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[RC] Trainers for Horses vs for People -
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Share a Ride - Becky Hackworth
I am going to Fort Shellebourn from Central California. If anyone would be interested in sharing costs, drop me a line. I am going regardless, but wouldn't mind saving $$.
Have room for 1 possibly 2 horses.
Becky and the Gang
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[RC] Trainers for Horses vs for People -
Ridecamp Guest
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[RC] looking for a ride for 1 horse NC to MI -
Jessica Spoone-Raines
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[RC] Trainers for Horses vs for People
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[RC] looking for a ride for 1 horse NC to MI