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[RC] Helping Lame Horses--Legend and Adequan -
Barb Peck
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Re: [RC] de spooking/trainers -
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] de spooking/trainers - DVeritas
In a message dated 5/9/2006 8:07:07 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, maryann.spencer@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Parelli training really helps lots of people
Yes, and by extension, hopefully then, their horses.
Parelli is one way to "open the door" and see what's rattlin' 'round in there.
It seems each person eventually finds which method allows them access to the answers.
Certainly no one should/can fault anyone who is trying to do right by their horse.
In America, value has value, whether it's paying Parelli or "paying the piper".
Usually, it is the individual's limitations which dictate the outcome of methodology.
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Re: [RC] de spooking/trainers -
Karen Sullivan
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[RC] Helping Lame Horses--Legend and Adequan -
Barb Peck
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