Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] The Way We Win: Should We Change the Endurance... - SandyDSA
In a message dated 5/4/2006 6:47:56 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
DVeritas@xxxxxxx writes:
"if an
injection makes the horse more comfortable and eases his pain, then that's
what I'll do in order to compete on him" is a terrible sentiment to be so
casually accepted in our sport.
wow - I guess I am blind - I didn't know this was so pervasive. Right up
there with all the abusive show horse owners and trainers it looks like - liquid
coke in the eyes; ginger in the anus; soring the feet and electric SHOCK to make
their little feet so tender that they snap them up in a hurry; cutting the nerve
that makes them hold the tail up (go buy a ^&*()) Quarter horse if you like
that tail non-set); so many horrid things that seemed to be reserved for the
pompous, self-serving bunch who want that Championship at all costs - to the
HORSe of course - NOT themselves. I have an idea - how about we punish that kind
of abuse by doing to the owner and trainer what has been done to the horse? I
like it! So...inject your horse's hocks, get your knees worked. If they are TOO
sore to compete without drugs, they should not compete. A needle in the joint is
still a needle in the joint. Egod - and just when I think people are getting
some sense...