this is from the company who makes it, they also make a product called
Celebration that does all the flies but not the tics, and a product for dogs as
well. You can get it at tractor farm supply (TSC) or several of the catalogs
online, local tack stores carry it in some areas. We tried several spot ons and
Freedom is the only one we have found that works. Works best on horses that
don't get bathed with soap/shampoo often. They don't swim or sweat it off but
you can wash it off with shampoo. It costs $20 us for 6 tubes at tsc. each
tube does one horse for 2wks. Its actually cheaper than the fly spray I used to
go thu and works really well. It worked a little better in Illinois where the
humidity isn't as high as it is hear in Mississippi. But it still works much
better than anything else we have tried. I have used it for several years.
I try something else every once in a while but wind up back with the
Don't get anything from they either. Wish I did. :o)