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[RC] stocking up? - Lysane Cree

Awhile back I had mentioned that my mare had gone through a fence and had scraped alot of fur and skin off her back legs. Well, things are going well and she is almost scab free. Most of the fur has grown back in too. BUT her left hind leg seems to have stayed a little more stocked up (for lack of a better word/description). It is not hot, sore and she is not lame. Feels like a windpuff, except it is going higher up the leg. The tendon running down the back of the leg looks fine as do all of the joints. Its more on the outside of the leg between the cannon bone and tendon. Its not really noticeable except that I don't see the ligament(?) that runs down the outside of the leg and is kind of visible usually standing out as much on that leg. The filling goes away once we have been riding. She is on pasture all day and comes in at night.
Any ideas?  I'm going to a ctr in two few weeks and I know I will probably get asked about it.

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