Louise Reidel was one of the most artful trail
blockers around. She always wanted to be first in a group into a CTR vet
check, because you end up with a lot less standing around. If you came up
behind her a few miles from the check, she would "loose control" of the "Bitch
Mare:" (her words not mine), and it would wander back and forth on the trail
effectively blocking it. Because placing in CTR does not hinge on order of
arrival, I always found it amusing.
I am told that she also "lost control" of her
horses in a similar manner on endurance rides when she was younger.
PS. I liked Louise a lot and we got along
good. I think most Midwest riders, at least as she got older, just
considered this to be an eccentricity earned by her stellar record and
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875