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Re: [RC] And another thing... - Stacy Sadar

Tell her the same reason people who show spend $1000 in a weekend to get a ribbon and a $10 check ...because you like it. 
I had someone tell me they couldn't understand why I wasted all my time caring for the horses, cleaning stalls, etc. and they would NEVER spend their valuable time doing it and they thought it was a complete waste.  I said, "My Country Club includes free membership in picking up sh** and I LOVE IT!  I could spend all day...every day with the horses."   To each his own...

Joe/Sabrina <hilander623@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had a non endurance rider horse person neighbor of mine ask me why I went through all the trouble of training, collecting gear, spending money, travelling kaboodles of miles, going out of state, and camping with my horse, if there is no money "pot" to win at the end of a ride. She knows that my girlfriend and I ride to ride, not win. She wants to know the point of the whole thing. I told her because it is a FREAKING blast! What do you guys think. I would really like to tell her like it is!

[RC] And another thing..., Joe/Sabrina