She is currently shedding her winter coat. When I
brushed her out I noticed she had some sort of skin condition running all along
the center of her underside. There was hair loss, some old, small sores
and some fresher sores too. ALSO, she had big wrinkles running the whole length
of her underside.
I do not have much experience with older horses, nor have I
seen this before. Anybody got any ideas of what this is? Biting
flies???? The owner was not aware of this and said she did not notice the
mare seeming itchy or bothered by it. She was going to have a vet look at
it….. I think that’s what she said.
Well, the mare seemed like she was a little stiff on the
hind end and had something going on with her right front too. Poor
thing. I don’t think this is the horse for my kids……
but still wondering what was going on with her skin.